Saturday, 9 July 2011

So now I know

Well, after an agonising time waiting in the waiting room for an hour after my surgeon was delayed in surgery, DH and I finally got called in. He didn't really beat around the bush - he handed me a copy of the pathology report and said, "well, it's a cancer". I guess there's really no easy way to say it - like there is no easy way to hear it. He confirmed that it's good that it was found early, and that I have an excellent prognosis. He used a few technical terms and wrote them down (and as DH said that means I can go for my life on Google now - I do like to research things to death). He also gave me a thick book all about Early Breast Cancer - which kind of covers most things I want to know but not in enough detail.

So, next week I have surgery to remove the lump and hopefully just one lymph node from under my arm. I have to have a guide wire put in first so he can locate it - I've had this before, it leaves a wire sticking out of your chest which is a bit off-putting, but I don't remember the insertion being too bad. Then I stay overnight and hopefully go home with good news once the pathology comes back. I'm aiming to be back at work the following Monday but who knows. And then 6 - 8 weeks of radiation therapy. Hmm, I wonder if I will get used to the idea of that before it starts. I can't say the idea thrills me too much right now, but apparently my other options are mastectomy or a 30 - 40% chance of the cancer coming back so that makes the radiation sound somewhat more appealing.

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